Web developer

Hello, I'm Srishti Kumari

final year B.tech student, Welcome to my Portfolio.

About Me

Hello, my name is Srishti. I am currently studying B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering with Artificial Intelligence at IGDTUW, Delhi. I have experience working as a Campus Ambassador and a web developer.
My technical skills include web devlopment, data science, object-oriented programming, CPP and Python. I am passionate about Artificial Intelligence and machine learning and I am always eager to learn new skills. My hobbies include writing, reading, listening to music and painting.

  • Web Developer
    Building respnsive web apps
  • Python Developer
    Building respnsive web apps with Django
  • Technical Content writer
    write technical contents
  • AI/ML
    AI/ML enthusiasts
  • 2020-Current
    Learned from documentationa and online tutorials
  • 2022-Current
    Technical Content writer at Codedamn(Ed-tech startup)
    worked as content writer and concept planner for official website of Befikra(Ed-tech startup)
  • 2021-Current
    Working on a research paper based AI/ML project
  • 2021-2022
    Open-source contributor of GWOC 2.0
    worked on Bhagavad Gita Project under The Gita Initiative Organization
  • ongoing
    Open-source contributor of GirlScript 2023
    Contributed in various projects
  • ongoing
    Open-source contributor TimeChain summer of code
    working on Big Blockers project as Team captain with Svelte, Sveltkit, Tailwind css and Firebase
  • ongoing
    Technology Analyst at QuantumStats AI Global- remote internship.
  • 2017
    CBSE(RSKV Kalyan Vas Delhi-91)
    CGPA - 10
  • 2019
    CBSE(RSKV Kalyan Vas Delhi-91)
    Percentage - 89.45%
  • 2020-Current
    B.tech(Computer Science & Engineering - Artificial Intelligence)
    Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University Women,Delhi-91
    Aggregate CGPA of 4 semesters - 8.31
  1. Rank 1 in AI/ML track - IdeaStrom by IEEE IGDTUW in 2023
  2. Linux Foundation LiFT Scholar in 2023
  3. Next Generation Women Leaders - Asia Pacific'2023 participant
  4. Protege IGDTUW Mentor in jan'23 cohort
  5. #Include Cohort 3.0 participant

My Services

Web Development

A web developer with a strong background in HTML, CSS, JavaScript in frontend, sql, MySQL, firebase, supabase, APIs in backend, React, NextJS, Svelte, SveltKit, and Python(Flask, Django) in Framework.

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Content writing

I write about technical subjects in a way that is easy to understand. I am a writer who creates interesting and useful information about technical subjects such as programming, software creation, data analysis, etc.

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I am an AI/ML enthusiast with a strong interest in the field. I have experience of working on ML/DL projects based on real problems. Experience in NLP, image processing, Sign language detection, language modelling, etc.

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My Projects


The project AirBar aims to provide users with a simple, fast and secure airline management service.


Created a url shortner website in Django using Microsoft face recognition API for authentication of admins or staffs and Google safe browsing API to check safety of urls before redirecting.


AI based Crop predictor tool to predict the best crop suited in a given weather data, soil conditions, and other relevant factors.

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